About Us

Digital Marketing and Web Design experts

Who We Are

We are digital marketing and web design experts with a passion for helping businesses grow.

Who We Serve

We help businesses of all sizes to achieve online growth using data-driven marketing strategies.

The story behind our agency.

We started Meediax, a digital marketing agency, to help business owners realize the power of their stories and bring them to life. We knew that with the right platform, any story could be told – no matter how big or small.

We experienced firsthand what it felt like to share our stories in a creative way and we wanted to pass on this same feeling to our clients. That’s why we started Meediax: to foster creativity and enable others to express themselves through powerful digital campaigns that engage customer audiences in meaningful ways.

As soon as we launched Meediax, we saw how energized our clients were – they loved being able to turn their ideas into reality and take control of their own marketing plans. Seeing this response was incredibly rewarding for us, and made us realize just how important it is for everyone’s voices to be heard.

About meediax

Services we offer you

Brand Design

We’ll work with you to help unlock the full potential of your business and create a brand that resonates with your audience.

Web Design

Your website is your digital storefront. We’ll craft a conversion-focuse website to lay the foundation of online growth.


We specialize in Technical SEO, On-Page SEO, Content Creation, and Off-Page SEO to catapult your business to the top of Google.

Digital Marketing

Design and implement effective digital marketing strategies to boost your online visibility and increase conversions.

WP Maintenance

We specialize in providing comprehensive technical support, reliable hosting, and maintenance for WordPress websites.


We specialize in Technical SEO, On-Page SEO, Content Creation, and Off-Page SEO to catapult your business to the top of Google.

Meet Our Clients

Let’s Do It Together

Ready To Grow Your Business?